Perspectives of Tax Law - 1st edition - Alba Iulia

In the period 28-30th of September 2023, the Faculty of Law of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, together with the The Faculty of Economics from „1 Decembrie” University Alba Iulia, Faculty of Law from West University Timișoara, The Chamber of Tax Advisors and Romanian Society of Business Law,  next to representatives of the main professional organisations in the field and featuring Romanian officials had the pleasure to invite participants to the 1st edition of the International Conference „Perspectives of Tax Law” organized in Alba Iulia

The conference focused on a large area of topics in the field Tax Law

The International Conference „Perspectives of Tax Law” was organized in Sebeș  (firts day) and Alba Iulia (second day) and was also be broadcasted live on online channels of the Faculty of Law and those of our partners.

Overview of the 1st Edition


  1. Thursday 28.09.2023: 14:00 -18:30 – Round table with business environment. (Leul de Aur Hotel, Sebeș)


14:00: Opening Session:

  • Professor PhD Daniel Breaz, Rector of the “1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia University
  • Lucian Heiuș, General Secretary, Ministry of Finances 
  • PhD Dan Manolescu, President of the Chamber of Tax Advisors
  • Associate professor PhD Irimie Emil Popa – CAFR
  • Ec. Stef Gheorghe – President of CECCAR Alba 


15:00 – 16:00 Panel 1: Regulations of interest to economic operators. Chair Prof. PhD. Dan Topor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, “1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia University

  • Main amendments to the Trade Register Law and their implementation: Valentina Burdescu, General Manager of Romanian National Trade Registry
  • Threats and opportunities in geo-political context: Aurel Bernat, Managing Director BT Asset Management / Chairman of the Board of BT Pensions / Board member in Listed Companies and in the Romanian Association of Fund Managers
  • Main non-reimbursable financing lines accessible in the near future. ADR Centre team – Managing Authority of European Funds and Agency for Financing Rural Investments Alba team. Book presentation „POR Instrument for improving the economic and financial performance of enterprises”, Associate professor PhD Ionela Gavrila Paven – University „1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia


16:00-16:30: Coffee break


16:30 – 18:30 Panel 2: Tax issues of interest to entrepreneurs. Chair PhD. Ec. Doru Dudaș, Executive Director of Chamber of Tax Advisors/ Associate professor PhD Ciprian Păun, Babeș-Bolyai University

  • Aspects of jointly liability of administrators in tax procedure, criminal procedure and insolvency procedure: PhD. Gheorghe Matei, attorney at law Bucharest Bar,visiting professor at Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Flat rate and tax fairness from a legal perspective: associate professor PhD Ciprian Păun, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
  • Flat rate vs. Progressive rate. Case studies: Prof. PhD. Tamas Szora Attila, Faculty of Economic Studies, “1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia University. 
  • On proportionality and progressivity in taxation or on the plucking of Colbert’s goose: associate professor hab. Ion Lazăr, 1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia University, attorney at law Alba Bar / senior lecturer PhD Bogdan Florea, 1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia University


  1. Friday 29.09.2023: 09:00-17:00 – Joint Conference – Tax Advisors Chambre -Business Environment- with international participation (Leul de Aur Hotel, Sebeș)


9:00-9:15: Opening Session

  • Professor PhD. Tamas-Szora Attila, President of the Senate of the “1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia University, 
  • Phd. Dan Manolescu, President of the Chamber of Tax Advisors


9:15-11:15 Panel 3: New regulations on tax audit. Chair Prof. PhD. Tamas Szora Attila 

  • Tax audit: Tanți Anghel, tax consultant, visiting professor at Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies /Mihai Brăgaru, head of service in the Ministry of Finance, visiting professor at Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Main novelties on Anti-Fraud audit: Laurențiu Pusdercă, Director of Sibiu Anti-Fraud Office. 
  • A discussion about the tax audit in Romania, focused on the bizarre case of the documentary verifications: Associate professor PhD Cosmin Flavius Costas, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
  • Anti-fraud control – operative and unexpected control – distinct form of tax audit. Legal regime, legislative dynamics and relevant case-law of constitutional court: PhD Ionița Cochințu, assistant -magistrate at Romanian Constitutional Court, visiting professor at Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies


11:15-11:45: Coffee break


11:45-13:45 Panel 4: Aspects concerning the present and future of VAT. Chair Mihai Drăguțescu, expert INM, judge at the administrative tax litigation section of the Bucharest Tribunal (until 2021).


  • The main changes expected at EU level in the field of VAT: Attorney at law Christian Amand, Xirius Bruxelles/PhD. Vladimir Marinescu, Director Deloitte Tax – Timișoara Office, visiting professor at University of West Timisoara 
  • Fixed establishment in VAT: Mariana Vizoli, tax advisor, visiting professor at Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • The adjustment of deductible VAT for capital goods in case of annulment of VAT code: PhD. Natalia Svidchi, researcher at Faculty of Law, University of West Timisoara, attorney at law Timiş Bar 
  • Tax regime of sportsmen from VAT perspective: Senior Lecturer PhD Septimiu Ioan Puț, Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
  • Controversial issues on VAT deductibility: ECJ case law vs. tax audit practice, Senior Lecturer PhD Florin Dobre, Bucharest University of Economic Studies


13:45-14:00: Book presentation: VAT from A la Z, author Mariana Vizoli, second edition, Hamangiu Publishing House, Bucharest, 2023. 


14:00 – 15:00 Lunch break


15:00-17:00 Panel 5: Current issues in tax advisory. Chair PhD. Ec. Doru Dudaș Executive Director Chamber of Tax Advisors 

  • Proposals and concerns of the Chamber of Tax Advisors on the improvement of tax advisory activity, including examples of best practices (EU) on the relationship with tax authorities, outcome of the dialogue with Ministry of Finance and National Agency of Tax Administration: PhD. Dan Manolescu, President of Chamber of Tax Advisors.
  • The judicial tax advisor – expert advisor to ANAF: Ciprian Badea, Director General of the Legal Directorate of the Ministry of Finance /Mary-Elsa Pârvan, Independent legal expert
  • Intra-group loans: the most disputed subject in recent tax audits: Adrian Luca Vice-president of Chamber of Tax Advisors 
  • Presentation of the postgraduate programme on business tax law. Associate Professor PhD Ioan Ovidiu Dumitru, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies.


III. Saturday 30.09.2023: 09:00-14:00 – CEE Tax Lab & Academic Forum – International tax issues with an impact on the EEC countries (Senate Hall of „1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia University)


9:00-9:30 Opening Session: Professor PhD Radu Bufan, Faculty of Law, University of West Timisoara 

9:30- 11:30 Panel 6: Chair Professor Philippe Malherbe UC Louvain/ PhD Mirela Violeta Buliga, visiting professor at Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, attorney at law Bucharest Bar 

  • Influence of accounting directives on the definition of the tax base: Professor. h. c. Jacques Malherbe, UC Louvain, Belgium
  • So-called ‘Estonian CIT’ as an alternative system of corporate income taxation in Poland – findings after two years of validity of the new provisions: PhD Aneta Nowak-Piechota, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz
  • Principles of EU law in operation – special sectoral tax cases: Prohibition of hidden state aid, principle of non-restriction, principle of non-discrimination, prohibition of abuse of power (by concealing Member State objectives): Professor PhD Daniel Deák, Universitatea Corvinus Budapest
  • Unshell Directive and substance: PhD candidate Mădălina Cotruț, Faculty of Law, University of West Timisoara, attorney at law Bucharest Bar 


11:30-12:00 Coffee break


12:00- 14:00 Panel 7: Chair Professor h. c. Jacques Malherbe UC Louvain/ Associate Professor PhD Ziemowit Kukulski Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz


  • Impact of the Pillar II income inclusion rule on the tax-free credit clause in the tax treaties of Serbia and Romania: Professor Emeritus, PhD. Dejan Popović, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  • Current situation of the reporting obligation in DAC 6: Professor Philippe Malherbe, UC Louvain
  •  Incentive regime for repatriates. New taxation methods to prevent Brain Drain: Professor PhD Vincenzo Carbone, University of International Studies of Rome-Unint
  • Poland’s tax treaty policy and practice in the post-BEPS: Professor PhD Ziemowit Kukulski, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz
  • Current challenges on the taxation of dividends: PhD Mirela Violeta Buliga, visiting professor at Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, attorney at law Bucharest Bar 
  • ATAD: EU`s response to aggressive tax policies and to the abuse of law in European taxation? A legal perspective: teaching assistant PhD Tudor Dumitru Vidrean – Căpușan, European Studies Faculty, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, attorney at law Arad Bar 


14:00—14:15 Closing remarks


In the second day of the conference there was organized a sepacil working session on matters of tax law in the Eastern European Countries with experts from this region and the western part of Europe.

“CEE Tax Lab”

The Teams

Organizing Committee

Prof. PhD. Ovidiu Ioan Dumitru, Bucharest University of Economic Studies – coodinator

Lecturer PhD. Mirela Buliga, Bucharest University of Economic Studies – secretary

Prof. PhD. Radu Bufan, Faculty of Law from West University Timișoara

Prof. PhD. Dan TOPOR, Faculty of Economics, University ”1 Decembrie” Alba Iulia

Associate Prof. PhD. Ciprian PĂUN, Babes Bolyai Universsity, Cluj Napoca

Lecturer PhD. Dragoș Mănescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

PhD. candidade, Madalina Cotruț, Faculty of Law, West University

PhD. Doru DUDAȘ, The Chamber of Tax Advisors

Scientific Committee

Prof. PhD. Brândușa Ștefănescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Prof. PhD. Radu Bufan, Faculty of Law from West University Timișoara

Prof. PhD. Daniel Deak, Faculty of Law from the Corvinus University, Budapest

Prof. PhD. Jaques Malherbe, University Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL)

Prof. PhD. Dejan Stanckovici, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade


Faculty of Law of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

The Faculty of Economics from „1 Decembrie” University Alba Iulia

Faculty of Law from West University Timișoara

The Chamber of Tax Advisors


Romanian Society of Business law



Universul Juridic

CH Beck

Wolters Kluwer


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